Numeral Nawals, commonly described as Tones or deities, are the spiritual forces of nature that give all beings a constant impulse. They are explained through 13 metaphors of the water:

1 (Jun)

01 Jun

Is the Nawal of ‘Fresh Start’, like the a spring of water that gently breaks the skin of the Earth.

2 (Keb')

02 Kieb

Is the Nawal of ‘Retraction’, like when the tide is ‘Pulling Back’.

3 (Oxib')


Is the Nawal of ‘Divergence’, like a River Delta. The water that ‘Opens the Path’.

4 (Kajib')

04 Kahib

Is the Nawal of ‘Containment’, like a dam or a water well. The water that slowly ‘Gains Strength’.

5 (Job')

05 Job

Is the Nawal of ‘Roughness’, like a Tsunami or when the dam breaks. The water that ‘Overflows’.

6 (Wakib')

06 Wakib

Is the Nawal of ‘Pondering’, a dry cave as the place ‘To Weigh’ thoughts.

7 (Wukub')

07 Wukub

Is the Nawal of ‘Intensity’, the hot liquid like a geyser or a lava. The ‘Manifest’.

8 (Wajxaqib')


Is the Nawal of the ‘Return’, like the rainy season. The re-start in nature and it’s ‘Patterns’.

9 (Belejeb')

09 Belejeb

Is the Nawal of ‘Gestation’, what is ’Hidden from Sight’, Like the underground rivers.

10 (Lajuj)

10 Lajuj

Is the Nawal of ‘Convergence’, like when rivers or water streams meet in a lake. ‘Everything Coming Together’.

11 (Ju'lajuj)

11 Junlajuj

Is the Nawal of ‘Scattering’, like the splash of water that ’Spreads’ in various random directions.

12 (Kab'lajuj)

12 Kablajuj

Is the Nawal of ‘The Unexpected’, like a downpour, a flood, or a creation of new bodies of water. It’s the ‘Additional’.

13 (Oxlajuj)


Is the Nawal of ‘Accumulation’ of water, the ‘Biggest’, like the ocean.

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