Numeral Nawals, commonly described as Tones or deities, are the spiritual forces of nature that give all beings a constant impulse. They are explained through 13 metaphors of the water:
1 (Jun)
Is the Nawal of ‘Fresh Start’, like the a spring of water that gently breaks the skin of the Earth.
2 (Keb')
Is the Nawal of ‘Retraction’, like when the tide is ‘Pulling Back’.
3 (Oxib')
Is the Nawal of ‘Divergence’, like a River Delta. The water that ‘Opens the Path’.
4 (Kajib')
Is the Nawal of ‘Containment’, like a dam or a water well. The water that slowly ‘Gains Strength’.
5 (Job')
Is the Nawal of ‘Roughness’, like a Tsunami or when the dam breaks. The water that ‘Overflows’.
6 (Wakib')
Is the Nawal of ‘Pondering’, a dry cave as the place ‘To Weigh’ thoughts.
7 (Wukub')
Is the Nawal of ‘Intensity’, the hot liquid like a geyser or a lava. The ‘Manifest’.
8 (Wajxaqib')
Is the Nawal of the ‘Return’, like the rainy season. The re-start in nature and it’s ‘Patterns’.
9 (Belejeb')
Is the Nawal of ‘Gestation’, what is ’Hidden from Sight’, Like the underground rivers.
10 (Lajuj)
Is the Nawal of ‘Convergence’, like when rivers or water streams meet in a lake. ‘Everything Coming Together’.
11 (Ju'lajuj)
Is the Nawal of ‘Scattering’, like the splash of water that ’Spreads’ in various random directions.
12 (Kab'lajuj)
Is the Nawal of ‘The Unexpected’, like a downpour, a flood, or a creation of new bodies of water. It’s the ‘Additional’.
13 (Oxlajuj)
Is the Nawal of ‘Accumulation’ of water, the ‘Biggest’, like the ocean.