It’s quick, secure, and you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home.
Since ancient times, a sacred tradition in the Maya lands involve consulting with an Ajq’ij, a spiritual mentor trained in the Maya Calendar, to learn about your Nawal. Your nawal is the spiritual essence you acquired with your first breath. These guiding forces hold the key to comprehending your life choices and your current path, illuminating the purpose that drives your existence. Nawals are intimately associated with animals, elements of nature, and the phenomena of the natural world.
The Maya Calendar, known as the Cholq’ij, is the pulsating heart of the Maya culture. It not only unveils the workings of nature, but it also reveals the cosmic dance between sky and earth, the harmonious interplay of masculine and feminine forces birthing every facet of life, from human life to pivotal events. It mirrors the cycle of human gestation and the dance of our existence, providing profound understanding and timeless guidance throughout life.
of your parents and your gestation period.
Your Nawals will tell the story of your parents and your gestation period.
Your Nawals narrate the captivating story of your parents and your time in the womb. Your life’s journey commenced long before your first breath, shaped by your mother’s experiences and the world that surrounded her.
Far surpassing memory, culture, language, and education, your gestation period played a pivotal role in sculpting the unique individual you’ve become. It imprints the impulses that your nawals follow, guiding your behaviors, choices, and relationships throughout your life.
In this inaugural session, I extend a warm invitation to explore the essence of your being through an exploration of your Nawals. They are the keys to understanding your behavior, decision-making, and your place in the Universe.
I offer a secure and supportive space for you to gain profound insights into your driving forces, the challenges you face, and how to harmonize your life with your innate nature.
And start exploring your life path!
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And start exploring your life path!
Hello! I’m Eduardo Ferronato, a Day-keeper/Spiritual Guide with 8 years deeply rooted in the Maya Calendar and K’iche tradition. I represent a lineage from Nahualá/Guatemala, under the guidance of Maya Ajq’ij Apab’yan Tew. For a decade, I’ve immersed myself in indigenous communities, learning sacred traditions firsthand. I deeply value and respect the lineages and knowledge passed to me. Through the Maya Calendar we are going to explore your nawals and how they guide you through every single aspect of your life.
If you have any questions, you can contact me directly via WhatsApp or Telegram.